Beeldmacht (power of images)

Short documentary


"Video is not only a way to document what happened, it has become an avenue for justice." A phenomenon that has been on the rise all over the world for a long time: citizens filming police actions with their mobile phones. Conversely, the police films the same citizens with bodycams and drones. The images that appear online cause huge shock waves in society. But "whoever films, always films for his/her own purpose," according to the director of Amnesty International. In the documentary BEELDMACHT, the perspective of the citizen and the police is switched back and forth, slowly unraveling an emerging 'image battle' between them. How do shared reality, mistrust and subjectivity play a role and what is the underlying problem?


Director: Juul Op den Kamp
DOP: Thomas van Krugten
Editor: Maarten Ernest
Grading: Remi Lindenhovius
Editor in Chief HUMAN: Reijer Zwaan

Release date: May 2022 @ HUMAN / NPO2


At All Cost (22' min. documentary)


King of my Castle (12' min. documentary)