What’s Left

Feature length documentary


Inequality continues to grow, left-wing socio-economic ideas seem to be more popular than ever, and left-wing activism is making a significant comeback. Yet traditional left-wing parties in the Netherlands can't seem to flourish. Electorally, the left-wing, particularly the Partij van de Arbeid, is in ruins. Voter confidence appears to have sunk to an all-time low. How did it come to this, and can we still turn the tide?


Producer: Anne van der Ven | Frenkie Media

Broadcasting company: BNN-VARA

Director: Juul Op den Kamp & Johan Fretz
DOP: Thomas van Krugten

Sound: Gijs Domen
Editor: Maarten Ernest

Sound Design: Jessy van Dinther
Grading: Qianwei Tong

Release date: September 2022 @ BNN-VARA / NPO2


A Health Worker's Mind (30' min. documentary)